Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Thou Shalt...

The other day, I heard someone telling a story about a co-worker. The person, let's call her "J", works with elementary school kids. This particular day, the kids were rowdy. They were yelling and arguing and just generally unruly. Her co-worker, who J described as a "big southern lady," told the kids in a very loud, strong voice, "You've forgotten who you are!"

I haven't been able to get that line out of my head. You've forgotten who you are.

When I was a kid, I used to love to read. And write. I loved being outside. I loved picking blueberries until my fingers were purple and stained. And before I had children, I loved to do yoga and dance and listen to music. I loved to go to movies and stare at the ocean and write in my journal. These things made me not just happy, but sane.

I need to find a way to do these things again. They are not complicated things; I am not aiming to cure an illness or learn to skydive.

Here are my twelve principles to guide my Happiness Project:

Remember who you are.
Create and find peace.
Get out.
Love, not fear.
Ask for help.
Be consistent.
Have fun!
Be here.
Try it!
Find magic.
You can start over anytime.
Progress, not perfection.

What have you forgotten about yourself?


  1. Well, I can see why we are friends, because your list could be my list! And all of the things you've forgotten, I have too. Or worse: I haven't forgotten, but I have been ignoring their necessity. And then feeling resentful that those things are not in my life when I am the only one who can bring them back! HELLO LIGHTBULB MOMENT OMG.

  2. I know, we are all synched up. Not just our uteri.

    And to think, Scott suggested our blog/project was just an excuse for us to communicate with each other more... bwahahaha!

