Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013, BRING IT

I think most of us could agree that 2012, as a whole, was a pile of suck. There were some good moments (thanks to my adorable children, Downton Abbey, and Zumba!) but boy, like the girl with a curl, when it was bad, it was horrid.

Enough said about that. This is a new year.

A month or so ago, I was clicking around for various essentials. Something floated into the back of my brain, something I had heard about, something that sounded mighty appealing: Gretchen Rubin's book, The Happiness Project. Two clicks later, it was in my cart. Then, as I always do, I forgot what I ordered until the smiley boxes showed up at my door. I noticed with aggravation that I had somehow ordered the wrong laundry soap. And anyway, our washing machine was broken. And I had to make supper and the house was cold and the dog peed on the floor and and and...there was the book. With a blue sky and a bluebird on the cover and the skyline of what I imagined to be my old neighborhood in Brooklyn.

After the girls went to bed, I opened the book. And it didn't leave my hands (with a few moments for child-rearing and a few hours after my 3-year old hid it on me because it is MY book because I like BLUEBIRDS) for the next two days. And as soon as I finished it I forced it into the hands of my good friend (and now, co-blogger), Lynn.

And so we begin our journey into happiness. I am trying this to find my sparkle again, to be a more patient and fun mama, and to beat back the Fear of Forty.

I'll be sharing my monthly resolutions and progress, or lack thereof. I mean, right now? It is January, it is 7 degrees. It is dark at 4 pm. There is a large slice of peanut-butter cheesecake in the fridge. See where I am going with this??

Cross your fingers for me. And let us know if you want to play along!



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