Pinpointing the happiest extended moment in my life is easy: it was a time when I was doing...well...everything. I had been in NYC long enough that I knew how to get around, but not long enough that the excitement and dazzle had worn away. I had a new job which I loved, and it was for a good cause. I was in a yoga teacher training program and rehearsing for a dance performance. I was conducting two romantic relationships: one across the country, so there was much writing involved, and one with an ex with whom I had fantastic sex. So there was, um, much sex involved. Every day I woke up invigorated, looking forward to getting on the train with my head full of words and my bag full of clothes for my after-work activities. With gleeful anticipation of new email and new choreography. In spite of all my activity and socializing I didn't take one sick day that whole year. I felt light and glowy and KNEW I was happy.
Or, as The Gretchen would put it, I was feeling good, feeling right (though the two-relationship thing would put that feeling to a screeching halt some months later), in an atmosphere of growth. So THAT moment, those months, where I was writing furiously, learning something new every day, eating right to fuel exercising my body into a happy state of well-earned exhaustion (instead of my new normal just plain exhaustion) is what I am aiming for here.
SO in January, I have resolved (similar to my coblogger) to up my energy by focusing on the physical.
I will:
-declutter my house, one problem area a week (last week was the kitchen play area, a true eyesore)
-drink 50 oz of water a day (this is harder than I thought! but so far at least I am not looking at the clock at 3 pm realizing that all I've had to drink is coffee)
-exercise or orgasm daily (so far, gold star for me every day! but not going to tell you which because I am a lady. A lady with a brand-new detachable shower head with six massaging settings ahem)
-vegan (or almost so) before supper, except on weekends because bacon. And pancakes. (this one is easy because the only non-vegan thing I might want during the day is yogurt or cheese, and I allow myself those if I really want. No meat though, ever!)
-go to bed before 11 pm (eh, not so great, but also I don't care so much because everyone is sleeping pretty well in general. This seemed more urgent before the holidays during the Great Teething and Flu Sleep-Fuckery)
In general, my body is a wonderland; treat it as such. If I feel better after this month, these resolutions might become a through-line for the whole year.
Now tell me your resolutions!
Um, please?
Happy bluebirds to you,
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