Monday, January 21, 2013

Blue Monday

<Andy Williams voice> It's the un!happiest! daaaay of the yeeeear.....</Andy Williams voice>

Yes folks, it's Blue Monday. That craptastic day in January when forces conspire to make us all miserable. Except, somehow it was not too miserable. I credit this to a bit of extra sleep, a bit of socializing and sunshine, and yoga. Basically, a mashup of all the things I aim to do through my resolutions this year, this month.

SO! The resolutions update for the week:

-declutter my house, one problem area a week -- well, I removed Christmas. The girls mourned the loss of the sparkly tree and there are 10000000 fir needles on the floor, but we are seasonally correct! And have most of our living room back! Oh, also we cleaned up the Big Girl's room. It looks lovely.

(Now, to get her to sleep in there. Major sidebar here, but since when is 3.75 years an age of major sleep regression? There is clinginess and separation anxiety, there are bad dreams, there is crawling into my bed at 1 am. I am not one to pass up some cuddles but am reaching my limit on stiff neck-sleep, pre-dawn kidney kicks, and snorfling in my ear.)

-drink 50 oz of water a day -- haven't been so great on this one, but just being more conscious makes a difference.

-exercise or orgasm daily -- success! is all I will say about that one. WINK. Except I have been working my way through the Couch to 5K program on my iPhone and it makes running on the treadmill fun! (-Ish.)

-vegan (or almost so) before supper, except on weekends -- I have kept it "almost so," except one morning when I craved an egg sandwich so badly my car turned itself towards Mr. Bagel. I COULDN'T HELP IT. It was some combination of mild nausea (the family has worked through a stomach bug) and the residue of an extremely vivid dream in which I was pregnant which made me feel morning sickness and yes I took a pregnancy test IRL and thank the LORD it was negative but I still enjoyed that egg and cheese sandwich. It had  a tomato on it, anyway.

-go to bed before 11 pm -- mostly successful. I am not sure why but this one is not feeling so important. I think the effects of exercise and diet are making me need less sleep. Why hasn't anyone thought of that before? Har har.

And here is your bonus video for today:

In spite of that classic downer, happy bluebirds to you.


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