Saturday, March 16, 2013

Consistency Schmistency

As is probably evident if you are reading this blog, consistency is not my strong point. I am an idea person. I get ideas. I get excited about them. I may even launch the ideas into being. Then, the adrenaline wears off and I get bored. I procrastinate. I avoid.

 Writing makes me happy.

 That isn’t entirely true.

Having written makes me happy. Having written something good makes me happy.

Of course, to have written something good means that I need to have written. Sometimes quite a bit before getting to something good. That part, sitting down to the blank page, the drudgery and terror that come from consistent, disciplined writing, is where I get stuck.

But the truth is that having written something good makes me happier than just about anything. So, March, you fickle bitch with your melting snow and 50 degree weather and then your freezing, holy crap it’s cold again shenanigans—I am committing to writing more. In here, and on my little pink computer, and at the coffee shop.

Bring it.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

March Gladness

Just when I thought I couldn't take another moment of winter....when even our most enthusiastic snow-kid is sick of her snowpants...when the walls are closing in, and there is not enough Vitamin D in any bottle in the world....

SPRING. It's here. Praise Jesus.

I mean, it's not official yet, but tell that to the robins. Or to the tapped maples. Or to the little crocuses fighting their way up through the last of the dirty snowpiles. Or to me, who literally overnight experienced a major, major attitude adjustment that can only be attributed to Daylight Savings time. I sprung forward all right. Please help me remember this next year. All winter long I felt under a cloud. I knew I was not feeling myself, or reacting to things as I "normally" would, but I chalked it up to stress and life changes and people* being annoying little shits.

 (*everyone in my household and at work and store clerks and everyone most days.)

But! People! All I needed was an extra hour of daylight! Well, that might not be ALL. But boy, have things been going  more smoothly lately. My fuse is longer. We have more fun in the mundane moments. I find myself saying YES more.

So who needs a Happiness Project? Well, I still do. SO. On to my March Resolutions! As I mentioned this month is about Spring Cleaning, metaphorical and literal. Good times.

1. Tame the "broken windows" - I have narrowed my focus to three specific areas that drive me nuts: one countertop in the kitchen, the coffee table in the den, and the bureau at the end of my bed. Spaces where my eyes alight often and my mind would go ARGH SO MUCH CLUTTER.
2. Floss every night -- this used to be a habit but along with so many other items of self-care, has recently gone out the window.
3. Unfuck my mornings. Most days I have to mentally steel myself for the ticking time bomb that is getting two kids and myself ready to leave the house. Why is it so hard? It doesn't have to be so hard, right? Have you guys seen this site? It's brilliant!
4. Stop downward thought spirals before they go too low. Self-explanatory to anyone who has ever even had a hint of depression. One minute you're thinking that maybe you yelled one too many times today, the next you are lying on the couch weeping because you are a TERRIBLE MOTHER AND YOU'LL NEVER CHANGE AND YOU HAVE RUINED YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR DAUGHTER FOREVERRRRRRRR. 

Since I was in my ugh-bubble when I planned the month, this list is maybe not as ambitious. But baby steps count, yes?

Happy bluebirds to you,