Monday, February 11, 2013


Holy mackerel, dear reader. How can it be the MIDDLE of February already? IMPOSSIBLE. But, there it is. We have been super-busy due to a Birthday Explosion - seriously, how many Aquarians do I know? An assload, that's how many. I threw a 70th birthday party for my dad at the end of January (thereby crossing off a Life List item, most successfully). Then like dominos the birthdays fall down through boyfriend, his best friend, my sister-in-law, my niece, my big girl's best friend, my little girl's betrothed, etc etc etc. So this month is as good as any to celebrate all these loves in our lives, and the greatest love of all, loving myself.

The greatest loooooove of aaaaaaaaaaaaaall!!!!


I don't know a mom who feels like they have all the time they need to be or care for themselves. An overarching goal for this whole year is to snatch back the teeniest, tiniest bits of time for self-care. And when I say tiny, I mean it - 2 minutes here to eat a piece of chocolate, 10 minutes for a glass of wine, 30 seconds there to dab on a bit of perfume. the Resolutions!

1. Eat a piece of dark chocolate OR have a glass of red wine every day. Or both! But only at a moment when they truly can be enjoyed.
2. Wear perfume every day.
3. Post at least one photo of a lovely moment to Instagram (and share on Facebook) every day.
4. Suppress the unpleasant word/harsh tone at least once a day.

My January resolution of exercise every day is also coming forward, because it makes my life 1000 times more bearable. I have taken a couple of days off due to snowfuckery and a twingy knee and oh the difference. So much difference in my patience and general ability to deal.

Happiness Project Month Two Electric Boogaloo! Here we go!

Happy bluebirds to you,

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